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Friday, June 30, 2023

Unconstitutional: Bidden's Student Loan Bribery Program Struck Down ๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ’ฐ


Joe Biden and Democrats wanted to buy younger voters votes (they knew this would not stand)

Politically it is about as craven as craven gets. The Bidden Administration and Democrat shills such as Elizabeth Warren try to conflate the PPP (Covid loans) but ignore than that program passed Congress. Apples and Oranges. Student loan forgiveness never passed Congress so Bidden did not not have executive authority to push this through.  

That the three lefty Justices went along with this, shows the difference between the so called conservative and left wings of the Court. Conservative justices will follow the law (as shown in the decisions that recently went in the Democrats favor). Left justices rarely if ever do that. They should be ashamed of themselves on this particular ruling.  No intellectual honesty. They are just shills.  

AoSHQ: Morning Report 06.30.23

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