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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Are Bourgeois Values A Bad Thing?

Hot Air: Is the U.S. declining because Americans abandoned 'bourgeois values'?

NRO: A University of Pennsylvania professor gets heat for promoting 'bourgeois values.'

Are 'bourgeois values,' which most of us call the Protestant Work Ethic, a bad thing?

Ironic this controversy about 'bourgeois values' would arise at the University of Pennsylvania, given that institution was founded by Benjamin Franklin. Franklin, a boy from humble beginnings, promoted those very same values, which he described as hard work and self-discipline.

Aren't bourgeois values a large part of American exceptionalism? Isn't American exceptionalism about the combination of freedom, property rights and opportunity that allowed individual people to find their potential?

Short Answer: Why don't we compare the success and failure of other value systems?

Instapundit: Richard Fernandez: The End of American Exceptionalism

Town & Country: P. J. O'Rourke: Why Snobbery Is A Good Thing

EBL: Fishtown vs. Belmont Candidates

In a related story, The NYTs had an article about certain wealthy folks who are embarrassed by their purchases and hide price tags on things from the help.  Is that because of some moral dilemma or because they think it will help protect them when the mob storms their co-op Bastilles?

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