Wednesday, March 2, 2016

It might be time for the GOP Elites to take another look at Ted Cruz...

Hot Air: Denial, not just a river in Egypt 

WombatDaTechGuy: Who's the con man?

#Marcomentum! We have a new Tim Pawlenty!

DaTechGuy: 2 Man Race
Lem's Levity: Kasich for Veep?
American Power Blog: Marco wins one
Camp of the Saints: Super Duper Pooper Scooper


  1. Rubio has serious issues with the conservative wing of the GOP. He probably needs to spend four more years shoring up his street cred on that front, before making another run at the WH. If he would bow out now, Cruz would probably pick up 90% of his support, which should be enough to bury Trump. But, no, Rubio is in it for his ego, so he'll hold on and continue to split the party and hand it to Trump through the back door.

    1. The next states are winner take all. Rubio and Kasich are (right now) Donald J. Trump's BFF!

    2. "Cruz would probably pick up 90% of his support"

      You mean all of those Gang of 8 supporters? You mean the One True Ted would become an amnesty shill?

    3. How many Rubio supporters do you envision backing Trump? The 5% was generous.

  2. If so, Cruz and the Whigs will have to come to an accommodation; both will have to give some.

    Can the acolytes of the One true Ted live with that?

    1. What about Trump teaming up with Christie or Kasich? Does that give you pause?

    2. Like I have repeatedly said, I would vote for Trump over Hillary, Bernie or Biden. I would prefer Ted Cruz. You seem to have an issue with Cruz supporters (I assume you have had some discussions with them). I find there are passionate anti Trumpsters of all walks and talks on the GOP side, but we will see if Trump wins the nomination if they really go vote for Hillary. Then again, it is starting to look (again) like it might not be Hillary this fall. We will see.


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