Saturday, August 29, 2015

Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious

With Hillary Clinton's espionage problems, a great movie to go with is Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious.

Hillary Clinton is especially chilling in it as Claude Rains's character's mother, Madame Sebastian!
"We are protected by the enormity of your stupidity, for a while."

Rule 5 and FMJRA


  1. That profile of Hillary makes her look like Dr Evil.

    Hillary Clinton is especially chilling in it as Claude Rains's character's mother, Madame Sebastian!

    No, no no, the movie you want is "The Manchurian Candidate" (the good one).

    Angela Lansbury is Hillary to a T and James Gregory is a great Willie with booze rather than bimbos making him the fool.

    1. That works too, but Madame Sebastian has a level of mendacity and cravenness that seems to fit Hillary so well.

    2. You should go to the scene in Notorious where Claude Rains tells his mother that he suspects Ingrid Bergman is an American spy. Mom's reaction is classic Hillary Clinton!


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