Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Michelle Malkin being set up as a "malware" site (and it is impacting EBL too)? Are conservative bloggers being targetted?

Am I being paranoid?  I just got this warning from visiting EBL:

When I followed the "advance" link I got this:  

I went to and sure enough I got this warning:

This is obviously BS.  Someone is setting Michelle Malkin up (and since I am getting this warning from clicking on EBL setting me up too).  


  1. They did the same thing to Conservative Commune (Joy McCann's site) a while back.

    I think the only way to fight it is for bloggers and their followers to raise some Hell with Google.

    After all, these people have been in bed with the Red Chinese.

  2. You are getting the warning to your site (I did when clicking over to it) because you are linked to

    1. I recognize that, but Michelle Malkin's site is not a "malware" site. I suspect someone hacked her and that is setting off a chain reaction.

  3. I have been having unexplained difficulties with Legal Insurrection, Brietbart, Weasel Zippers, and other site of a conservative bent. I was a subscriber to Legal Insurrection and when I grew exasperated with the nonsense I wrote to Prof Jacobson and he claimed he found no problems. I canceled the subscription...figured he was now too big for little old me....enough to care that his site had connection issues for some of us. That may be true, but neither he nor the others are not causing the disturbances...someone who wants to disturb the linkage is doing that in each case.

    1. I think you are absolutely right. This is not your typical spammer hacker. It is more subtle than that.

  4. This has happen before A "Rev" Sutter used blocking software he has since passed away But this kind of harassment by liberals who can not tolerate a difference of opinion has been going on for almost a decade


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