Thursday, May 8, 2014

Hillary Clinton's State Department Refused To List al Qaeda linked Boko Haram as a terrorist organization…

Two years ago Nigerian Christians begged Secretary Clinton to recognize the danger of Boko Haram. 
JWF:  Secretary of State Clinton Failed To Identify al Qaeda linked Boko Haram As A Terrorist Organization.
“The one thing she could have done, the one tool she had at her disposal, she didn’t use. And nobody can say she wasn’t urged to do it. It’s gross hypocrisy,” said a former senior U.S. official who was involved in the debate. “The FBI, the CIA, and the Justice Department really wanted Boko Haram designated, they wanted the authorities that would provide to go after them, and they voiced that repeatedly to elected officials. What Clinton didn’t mention was that her own State Department refused to place Boko Haram on the list of foreign terrorist organizations in 2011, after the group bombed the U.N. headquarters in Abuja. The refusal came despite the urging of the Justice Department, the FBI, the CIA, and over a dozen senators and congressmen.

Boko Haram is rampaging Nigeria: Hundreds killed in fresh attack.
Rush notes that John Kerry laments that Boko Haram does not offer a health care plan (seriously, Secretary Kerry said that)

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  1. Why hasn't POTUS even mentioned this?

  2. The story is starting to get legs out here. I heard a bit on KFI-AM yesterday.

  3. Every time I see that group's name I read it as "beaucoup harm."


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