Saturday, April 12, 2014

Hillary Clinton: Why she should be President based on her tenure as Secretary of State

How the Conservative Media allows the rest of the Media to ignore and isolate scandals (such as Benghazi). Hillary hopes to ride in on Bill and Barack's coat tails (what a way to break that glass ceiling).

How hubris can sink the Democrats (hubris however is an affliction that Republicans have plenty of too, just that they are somewhat out of power right now so it is temporarily in check).

Hillary cancels an event and dodges Benghazi victim mom and other protesters...
TOM: Kook Nation! Is that throwing a shoe at Hillary Clinton or thinking of electing Hillary as President of the United States?
BSC News: Kook shoe thrower!
A tale of two shoe throwers (Bush vs. Clinton: differences in how the stories are reported)

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