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Monday, March 10, 2014

The Eurasian Steppes and the Wrath of Khans

With Ukraine and Crimea in the news, it is good excuse to look back at history of the region.  
The Eurasian Steppe is like the North American Prairie, only it is around five thousand miles long, stretching from the Hungarian frontier to central China.

Genghis Khan Spring 1206 – August 1227

Wrath of Khans I
Wrath of Khans II
Wrath of Khans III
Wrath of Khans IV
Wrath of Khans V

Global Warming helped Genghis Kahn?  Funny he used the Russian winter to successfully attack Russia and Poland.  Mongol horses could cross rivers and swamps when frozen.   


  1. Yes, but did he look like Ricardo Montalban and ride on rich Corinthian leather?

  2. Cool post. Reminds me of the romantic history of the Steppes when Colonel Volodyoski heard the engineer tunneling by the Tartars and knew he was about to die in the explosion he couldn't avoid without abandoning his post. "Fire in the Steppe" by Henryk Sienkiewicz....the last novel of the Trilogy.

  3. Tartarian vs Khazars basically. The Khazars are in rule atm and have re-written history into fiction.


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