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Friday, March 28, 2014

Separated at Birth: Fatty Arbuckle and...? With bonus vintage Rule 5...

Ace and TOM are on this:  Hey Arbuckle and Christie were both set up for something they (probably) didn't do (Arbuckle was absolutely innocent)...

Fatty Arbuckle and...
Chris Christie

I am not a fan of Chris Christie due to his establishment GOP positions and the way he hurt Romney for his own political benefit just before the 2012 Election (I definitely do not want him being the GOP nominee ever, let alone 2016). But on this BridgeGate thing it is increasingly looking liked he got falsely accused. And what is going on to Christie over BridgeGate paraells in a way to what Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle went through (although what happened to Arbuckle is much worse). The reality is fat people are treated poorly (which is another reason, however unfair, Christie should not be a nominee even without the other issues).

Here is Virginia Rappe Rule 5.  She was physically attractive, but insane.  Add to that a manipulative evil woman named Bambina Delmont and Arbuckle had to fight for his life in court, only to find his career destroyed.  

Rule 5 Monday


  1. Until about 20 years ago, you just didn't see people who were that grossly overweight, barring the occasional exception.

    The assumption was, anybody who couldn't control themselves even that much (and most people were thin not out of choice), had other things wrong.

    1. It is not a moral issue, it is a food issue. Our diet of processed food lends it self to this. Get off processed foods completely, eat fresh natural unprepared foods (other than cooking them yourself) and obesity goes away.


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