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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Jeffrey Corzine, 31 year old son of former Senator and Governor Jon Corzine, RIP


  1. "And now let the conspiracy theories surrounding the death of the young Corzine begin." ZeroHedge

    Did the kid know something? Corzine links to financial shenanigans?

  2. Jon Corzine- a major player in the fall of MF Global, and yet the scumbag goes unpunished! Hopefully the Lord spared him to face a more brutal punishment...!

  3. Dope leaves its effects even if you kick it.

    There are good reasons it was outlawed.

  4. "Let the conspiracy theories begin" = "We're busy concocting conspiracy theories right now. Please check back later."

    ZeroHedge really oughta be called "ClickBait".


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