Friday, February 7, 2014

Sochi Olympics Team USA Rule 5

With all the Super Bowl excitement, I forgot about the Winter Olympics.  And there are lots of Rule 5 candidates from Team USA alone.  So I will start things off with this limited selection:

Ashley Wagner, figure skating:

Sarah Henrickson, ski jumping:

Noelle Pikus-Pace, skeleton and bobsled:


  1. For Olympic beauty, a real one is missing...Tina Maze (Slovenia), the Overall World Cup Globe winner for 2013, covering all 5 Alpine ski racing events. I think you 'd like her's her public answer to criticism of alleged "special underwear" that increased speed...which she exposed while on the podium of a race she'd won.

    1. Excellent suggestion, but note this post was "Team USA"

      But I do intend an international post in the near future!

    2. I did note that USA thing, but with Lindsey Vonn out of competition (possibly the best over all skier the US has ever produced), in my sport, vis a vis the US there remains Julia Mancuso and Mikeala Shiffrin
      among others who are top 10 racers and beautiful to boot.

      I am a Alpine ski race fan, and among my favorites on the women's side are Mancuso and Maze because they've both had to compete with Lindsey Vonn...daunting at the least. Mancuso was originally an example for Vonn. Mancuso is a veteran and she is the gutsy, but humorous one, one in years to come we'll see coming down triple black diamond chutes on back country peaks as a Free Skier. I'd not be surprised to find her in the Beartooths next summer (when I visit) in fact. Shiffrin is the next Vonn, in my she expands to all 4 events.


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