Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Here is an example of some other microaggressions examples:

Trust me, conservatives do understand what microaggression is all about.  


  1. Straight out of South Park, complete with the saccharine tinkly piano background music.

  2. I don't know if this is microaggression or not, but my first thought at the end of this was, "You're pretty stupid for an Asian guy."

    But then I realized that this dude's gotten two books and a sweet gig at Columbia off of an academic equivalent of laetrile, and I could see that he's practically as savvy as fuckin' Confucius.

    If this comment offends anybody, be advised that while I am maintaining Constant Vigilance, my Experiential Reality is what it is, and I Won't Be Defensive. I am, of course, Open to Discussion, and promise to Be an Ally to all who are victims of microaggression.

    Unless they are fucking lunatics, in which case they should be aware that I'm definitely a practitioner of macroaggression.

  3. And every one of those examples he showed was from Liberals.
    (I can tell by the way they act).

    Personally, I've never seen or heard any of my people tell a Mexican that the spoke pretty good English....

    AND since it come mostly from Libs, I'm sure it's *not* an unconcious thing.


I welcome all legitimate comments. Keep it civil. Spam will be deleted. Thanks.