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Monday, July 8, 2013

Mikado: I've got a little list...

Update:  The Macho Response:  No Comment!  

You do not want to be on my list!


  1. You missed a tag. Althouse is like Nixon.

  2. There's a list?

    I have a list, too. Be interesting to see how they match.

  3. Yeah ed. There will be a list of approved commenters. I hope you make the cut.

    1. I'm not counting on it.

      Are you?

    2. Oh I no I will not be invited and that is fine by me. I think you will be invited if they are at all fair. She was out of line for the way she went after you and incited others to follow suit. That sucked big time.

      If they invite Inga and leave edutcher out.....well there's the ballgame right there sports fans.

    3. Well, this dust up lead me to this blog, and that's a plus.

      If they invite Inga, not recognizing she's at least 50% of the problem; it certainly is the ballgame. She could go to her poll comment section and do metrics; any commenter will double digits (and especially triple digit) posts should just be banned as excessive noise.

  4. Didn't this whole kerfuffle really start when she decided to slam the premise of Dr. Helen's book, and it's all gone downhill for her since? Completely self-inflicted.

    1. I don't know that she slammed it.

      In the end, she took a very traditional position on marriage in general (Am I a Social Con?) and people asked her how she could do that while endorsing same sex marriage and it got pretty hot and heavy.

      A few made mention of her son's (sons'?) sexuality and it got ugly.

      Throw in the usual trolls and the She Devil of the SS and you started hearing noises like Bloody Sunday.

      I guess that was Deathly Sunday.

    2. Yeah, but her shots about men and sperm preceded that, and which is what Instapundit was talking about when he said she "doesn't get it" on some level. My take is that whole discussion set it up for the meltdown that followed.

  5. "There will be a list of approved commenters."

    Nixon-Hating-Hippie Be Thy Name. And what are the odds she'd find Meade to ride her mental slide with? They ARE fascinating now, I'll tell you that much. As some kind of case study, or cautionary tale. We're actually peeking behind the curtain to the halls of power, not very far, but this is what's back there. Which is why we have such lousy leadership that says and does such crazy shit. They ARE crazy - but it's well covered by creature comforts.

    Which, in a way, means this is also becoming sad. My friend/roommate recently had to be put in a long-term care facility, and part of that process was him having to hate me, because his daughter and I were assuming some control over his affairs. It's kind of like that. Ann's going to kick at the folks most invested in her making sense (and I think it's wild that's not Meade or her University). Not acknowledging Ann's problem makes any claim by her of "bad faith" dubious, to begin with, because there's now bad faith all around. They don't let my roommate drive for a reason, but Meade will NEVER take away the keys. So it's inevitably nothing but a spiral.

    I don't care what they do:

    Just like with my roomy - I still care,..

    1. They just delight in sitting there picking off each others scabs. The picked lot of toady's, sycophants and bores will make for some scintillating reading.

  6. Wasn't Meade basically making a living doing lawn care when she picked him up? I wouldn't expect a lot from him.

    Over 7 or so years of reading Althouse, her over-the-top narcissism struck me many times. She REALLY needs to be the center of attention. Another thing that struck me is how little depth there is, when you get right down to it. I'll give her this: she's gotten pretty far in life with very little.

    I will never comment there again, regardless.

  7. So when you're angry with Glenn Reynolds the smart thing to do is.....make your blog more like his? I don't get it.

    Somehow that Asiana Airlines hard landing is a perfect metaphor.

    1. That Asiana thing will just mean that trip to Europe Ann always wanted will never happen. Unless she can book a transatlantic cruise, with wifi. But without commentators, who will hit the Amazon portal for her to fund that junket?

  8. You know I wrote a post about how Althouse is just like Nixon back when the first dust up last year.
    When I read it I had to laugh. That all came about when we first met Inga. We fought and then made up and then is all went to shit. I didn't know what a nutjob Inga was at the time so some of what you read has to make you laugh. Or shiver. Or shit yourself or something.

    The facts remain though. Althouse is like Nixon.

  9. Hey, hey, hey, you're being too hard on Nixon. He had is failures, but he also had some remarkable successes. I hated the guy while I was a young stinky hippie, but began to respect him after he died and I looked into what he had accomplished with his life.

    Let's compare Nixon with Althouse.

    Both were /are attorneys.

    Nixon was anti-communist; Althouse is a commie.

    Nixon served in the Navy; Althouse wouldn't think of enlisting.

    Nixon lost his job several times; Althouse has tenure.

    Nixon liked Ike; Althouse loves Obama.

    Nixon got us out of a war; Althouse started a war.

    Nixon opened China; Althouse closed comments.

    Nixon initiated the anti-ballistic missile treaty with the Soviet Union; Althouse started the splooge war with her commenters.

    Nixon embraced policies that transferred power from the Fed Gov to the states; Althouse wants supreme power for her point of view.

    Nixon enforced desegregation of southern schools; Althouse kicked the black guys off her blog.

    Nixon presided over the first lunar landings; Althouse caused several crash landings.

    Nixon had Watergate; Althouse has commentergate.

    Nixon rehabilitated his image; Althouse.........too soon to tell.

    So all in all, maybe Althouse isn't so much like Nixon. We really ought to stop insulting Nixon; he was right on a lot of things.


I welcome all legitimate comments. Keep it civil. Spam will be deleted. Thanks.