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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Chuck Todd reports the White House does not see a path to immigration reform...

This is potentially good news.  The conservative base is swaying Republicans like John Boehner and probably Paul Ryan too...

And someone check to see if Senator McCain has drifted off again...

Legal Insurrection: The year of confirmed suspicions, immigration edition...

Did Obamacare implementation (or lack thereof) kill the immigration bill?
Lowry and Kristol: Kill the Bill
But don't trust Boehner...

MICKEY KAUS: Boehner Did … What?

Remember that Boehner is probably the key to whether or not the bill passes. If he wants to engineer a House floor vote, in defiance of his caucus, it might. Otherwise, not so likely. So a great deal of temperature-taking and tea-leaf reading has gone into figuring out which side Boehner is really on. Andrea Mitchell seems to be saying: He’s telling the President he’s trying to get a bill passed. Just give him time. And given an opening, he’ll make it happen.
Surely this bit of inside info is more significant than expressions of pessimism from Chuck Todd’s White House sources, who might be trying to a) lull the opposition to sleep b) scare up support for the bill from business backers, etc. and c) put pressure, including MSM pressure, on Boehner to deliver (especially if Mitchell’s reporting** is right).
Rather than being taken as a sign the bill’s in trouble, then, Sunday’s MTP should be a cautionary note for those who might be inclined to prematurely declare immigration “reform” dead.

Kaus adds: “I say this as someone who thinks the bill would be a disaster.”
UPDATE: Related: GOP Special Interest Groups Push House GOP to Cave on Immigration Bill.

1 comment:

  1. I admit to being to being increasingly skeptical about the so-called conservatives in the House. Especially Paul Ryan.

    I live in Ryan's district, have worked on his campaigns, and am on one of his committees in his district. Heck, I've got a few years of Ryan family Christmas cards on my fridge.

    Something's happened. He's starting to go soft on immigration, and darned if anyone can figure out why. Ryan's a good man, honest. But watch when he talks about immigration. His eyes change, he looks all deer-in-the-headlights.

    I fear he'll turn RINO on this issue.


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