Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Will Marco Rubio be our next President?


  1. I heard that Clinton testifies tomorrow regarding Benghazi.

  2. Rubio, Ryan, Palin, Haley, Jindal; what a lot of intelligent, family oriented people we have on the right. Imagine how much mud the Dems will have to throw in the next election to get everyone's mind off just how attractive our candidates really are.

  3. They're both amnesty-loving open borders fanatics. A choice between these two traitors is no choice at all.

    1. That is a winning argument. If you can't tell the difference between Rubio and Clinton, you are either myopically focused on immigration or engaged in a Moby Mission Impossible. I am thinking the latter, especially given you are going by "Anonymous."

    2. If Marco Rubio is all the GOP has to offer they are in big trouble. Hilary will smash him like the insect he is.


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