Thursday, November 1, 2012

CBS News Reports: Terrorism Task Force not convened by White House on Benghazi when attack was first reported...

This is a devastating report of incompetency by the Obama White House:
Another senior counter terrorism official says a hostage rescue team was alternately asked to get ready and then stand down throughout the night, as officials seemed unable to make up their minds.
As a result of the incompetency of Barack Obama and his Administration, Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glenn Doherty were killed.

h/t:  Ace of Spades HQ


  1. Finally! MSM begins telling story.

    1. Let's hope it is in time. The country is like Stevens, Smith, Woods and Doherty now.

  2. This is incomprehensible! Is the POTUS response, "Oh well... We'll just do it better next time."? Four good men are dead and now Obama touts that no one is going to be left behind and we'll get back to anyone within 15 minutes. He who hesitates is late.

  3. This is incomprehensible! Is the POTUS response, "Oh well... We'll just do it better next time."? Four good men are dead and now Obama touts that no one is going to be left behind and we'll get back to anyone within 15 minutes. He who hesitates is late.

  4. This is incomprehensible! Is the POTUS response, "Oh well... We'll just do it better next time."? Four good men are dead and now Obama touts that no one is going to be left behind and we'll get back to anyone within 15 minutes. He who hesitates is late.


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