Sunday, September 23, 2012

Kirsten Powers Rule 5

She is a Democrat (although you never know how long that will last), but for just making sense lately and speaking the truth about the hypocrisy of Barack Obama, Kirsten Powers deserves a Rule 5 feature:  

TOM: Kirsten Powers abandons atheism, finds Jesus...


  1. She leans right on right-to-life, and she occasionally has moments of rational thoughts, but she's partisan and tows the party line on most issues (e.g. the New Black Panthers weren't intimidating anyone while standing around with batons outside polling stations). Allahpundit over at HotAir has been denied time and time again by her flirtations with conservative causes. The DNC would do well to fire Wasserman-Shultz and replace her with Powers.

  2. Oh, yeah, and she's from Alaska. Must be something in the water up there.

  3. She has partaken of the Dumbocrat Kool-Aid for sure. On the other hand, she IS drop-dead gorgeous, isn't she?

  4. Read her latest opinion piece posted on the Fox website about Obama's lame defense of Susan Rice. I love her position on it and she echoed my thoughts to the letter. BTW, she is smokin'!!!!

  5. She is a VERY BEAUTIFUL woman! Love her eyes.

  6. Yeah her eyes are amazing....

  7. She is wrong on most issues but she is so hot she sizzles .


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