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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Making the bus monitor cry: a sad statement of societal breakdown

The Blaze.  Allahpundit has more on this story.  This is incredibly sad.  On the bright side, people have raised over $30,000 for Karen the Bus Monitor (she makes $15,000 a year).  Update:  Fund up to $290,000!  And here is video of Karen getting the good news! 

That school districts allow this sort of behavior (and this is hardly an isolated circumstance, such bullying among kids happens all the time) is deplorable and unacceptable.

Update:  And we wonder why people are losing faith in public schools?


  1. This bus monitor article has all the majority of information which is quite easy to understand. This post is really very interesting.

  2. That was a bad story. Really bad experience


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