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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Just in time for The Walking Dead returning, Dish is becoming dead to me...Don't mess with my Michonne previews!

Dish Network is having a feud with AMC.  So it banished AMC to the hinterlands and is threatening to get rid of it altogether.  As reported by the LA Times:  That feud is getting nastier.  Threatening a Mad Men black out at the season finale?  Is Dish insane?  A real genius move cutting one of the highest rated and popular channels on cable.  Comcast and Direct TV are loving this.

I may need to sever my ties to Dish...
AMC happens to have shows many viewers care about like Mad Men, Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead, Hell on Wheels, The Killing, etc...  But because AMC is in a lawsuit with a Dish subsidiary (and Dish is losing the lawsuit) Dish is now taking it out on AMC (and of course fans of AMC shows).
Dish Network unfortunately treats its customers worse than it treats its program providers.  Dish customer service is poorly rated.  Customer Service at Dish is abysmal.  And Dish will get you with its fine print adhesion contracts and make you pay even if you cancel.  Dish is terrible.

Gawker:  Dish and AMC get into a slap fight.  Dish may have legitimate business beefs with AMC and other media providers.  It happens.  I would expect both sides to take steps not to punish the viewers for that.

Keep AMC networks

It is the beginning of the end for Dish, and all the cable providers...


  1. You has a great blog. I'm very interesting to stopping here and leaves you a comment. Good work.

    Lets keep writing and blogging

    Nb: Dont forget to leave your comment back for us.

  2. We were looking at both DirecTV and Dish before we got cable out here.
    We went with DirecTV because we didn't have to go with the ultra premium package just to get BBCA. I also was turned off by their ads slamming DirecTV

    Now we have Reach Broadband CATV as out internet supplier, I paused DirecTV (since I got unexpectedly unemployed) and we're jacking the cable.
    Free basic cable doesn't hold a candle to DirecTV.

  3. I have had dish for a very long time, even though most of their programming is crap and I pay for so many channels I would never watch. AMC is one of the few channels that are worth watching. SYFI used to be, but they went the way of MTV and the others. If I lose AMC, I will cancel them completely and never use them again.
    I told them that also, but they don't care. The little smart alec they had on the phone was obviously using a script and denied any cancelation of AMC.


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