Friday, May 18, 2012

Elizabeth Warren becomes an Indian! Because that is how you score good jobs at Harvard! Update: Did Elizabeth Warren plagiarize her recipes for Pow Wow Chow?

Too bad she found Indian blood not in her veins, but on her hands...
Did Elizabeth Warren plagiarize recipes for Pow Wow Chow?  
Professor Jacobson is right:  Elizabeth Warren is like a Russian nesting doll...
New York Magazine predicts Pow Wow Chow will be her downfall...
This is not a victim-less issue...

h/t:  Powerline

Here are some reviews at Amazon about Pow Wow Chow:

Most Helpful Customer Reviews
326 of 334 people found the following review helpful
I've received nothing but rave reviews from my colleagues after whipping up treats from this cookbook in the faculty lounge kitchen. Admirers of Pow Wow Chow may also enjoy Bow Wow Chow, a Indonesian-influenced cookbook from a former professor now in politics.
Thank you for your feedback.
179 of 184 people found the following review helpful
 Recipe UnWarrented May 16, 2012
I'm confused; each recipe calls for 0/32 measurements of ingredients -- that doesn't add up to anything. I have serious reservations about these recipes.
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208 of 216 people found the following review helpful
 Sitting Bull May 14, 2012
By Hoss
I made this purchase hoping I would be invited to Indian lunches but I haven't got past the hot water part.
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  1. Brilliant!

    Almost too brilliant because it might force Warren to withdraw.

    The note at the end, acknowledging the offensiveness of exploiting Indians for entertainment, is an especially nice touch. It cuts off Leftist "indignation" before they have a chance to open their mouths.


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