Monday, March 19, 2012

Eric Holder Let's "Brainwash People" about Guns: Which explains how Fast and Furious happened?

Fast & Furious was an operation where firearms were sold to criminals in the United States and allowed to "migrate" south into Mexico.  The proposed reason for this was to act as a sting operation.  It failed.  The weapons were not tracked properly and were used in criminal activities .  A U.S. Border Patrol agent was killed, along with hundreds of Mexican civilians (as a result of these weapons being used in crimes).  

Nearly a year after the killing of that U.S. Border Patrol agent, Eric Holder's Justice Department has spent far more time and resources trying to salvage the careers of senior officials who knew about the operation than in creating accountability for this tragedy and ensuring that nothing like this will happen again. 

Let the vetting begin: It is suspected the true motivation of Fast & Furious was to create an anti gun reaction from the American public.  In short, people in the Obama Administration (most significantly Eric Holder) wanted to create backlash against guns (with crime victims being the necessary sacrifice to spur on that reaction).  That is why Mr. Holder's "brainwashing"comments above are so disturbing.  Media Matters is in on the push back.  

Prior EBLPosts:
Eric Holder "digging for the truth" on Fast & Furious
Eric Holder insulting to Republicans and Latinos investigating Fast & Furious


  1. You gotta admit, he was funny on Barney Miller.

    1. That is an awesome comment! You are so right. I am doing a new separated at birth on this.


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