Monday, January 16, 2012

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Last Speech 1968

A powerful speech.  That he gave it the night before he was murdered is chilling.  It is good to take a moment today to reflect on what he accomplished and what he fought for.

Dr. King was a man.  While we should respect what he accomplished, we should deal honestly with his history.   He had is failings and hardly perfect.  I do not really care about his personal failings--that was an issue for him and his family.  While I understood his advocacy for equity, he was wrong in opposing economic liberty.  Still, what he accomplished was amazing and he is that rare transformational figure in history.

Update:  Chickenlittle suggested this too.   Good song.
Update II:  Instapundit with link on economic equality.

1 comment:

  1. I was only 8 the night he was killed. I remember my dad hearing it on a transistor radio tat he listened to while taking a bath after work. 1968 was an awful year. Bobby Kennedy was killed later the same summer.

    Here's a sound track for your post: link. It's not the original Dion version but it's a nice cover.


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