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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

"We gave Trooper York a fair trial, and we will give ndspinelli and the others a fair trial too."

Assurances by the blog lawn consort to turn over those mocking EBL and her consort.  Dissent is fine but not if it includes making fun of EBL and her consort.  Many former readers of EBL have left that site over the last few weeks.  Amazon portals, however, are still available, for subsidized shopping.  A stockpile of Pinot Evil is being amassed for emergency purposes.  


  1. Thanks for the support EBL. I am deleted over there quickly but I saw lawnboy had some slip through last night. They were probably @ a Christmas soiree. I gave you a big moo over on Trooper. This stuff is hilarious!

  2. There is a price on your head.

  3. So I hear. What is it? What am I worth?

    Just curious.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You are priceless to us , your friends. On the market a old cow might bring in about $800.


I welcome all legitimate comments. Keep it civil. Spam will be deleted. Thanks.