Thursday, September 20, 2018

What Should Be Said At The Kavanaugh Hearings...

Hot Air: Isn't a non-answer a "no"?  Schedule the vote.  

Andrew McCarthy: Grassley's Kangaroo Court

Powerline: The Farce Continues

AoSHQ/J.J. Sefton: Reasons or Results

NRO: Ford's testimony demands are ludicrous

Lem's Place: Christine Blasey Ford's H.S. yearbook

Hot Air: Ed Whelan's mistaken identity theory on Kavanaugh

AoSHQ: Not happy that Ed Whelan dragged in someone else on this...

Legal Insurrection: Feinstein hiding Ford's letter and Rubin mocks Collins

Don Surber: Smearing Kavanaugh shows how a Democrat Senate would work

Powerline: Ford's ridiculous demandsThis this a case of mistaken identity? and Why is Feinstein hiding Ford's letter?

Instapundit: PJ MediaProfessor Ford's Fear of Flying?Dems are insincere hacksYep, that is the bottom lineBill Clinton's 'War Room' Director Advising FordThe Senate Circus over Kavanaugh, and Stacy McCainDemocrats and the Rape of Justice

TOM: What does 'credible' mean in 2018?Can the GOP win this Kavanaugh Fight? (yes, hold the line), Judge Kavanaugh Doubles DownTrauma Queen: What do we know about Christin Blasey Ford?Memories Light The Corners of My Mind and Democrats pulls their sleaziest smear in their long history of sleazy smears

EBL: Keith Ellison: Assaulting Women? It's ok when Democrats do itGive Kavanaugh's accuser a chance to speak, but move forwardKavanaugh's Accuser Revealed: Christine Blasey FordDemocrat Party Sleaze MerchantsZina Bash attacked by on line lynch mobWhat did the DNC know about Keith Ellison and When Did They Know It?When Did Keith Ellison Stop Beating His Girfriend?CNN's Brian Stelter slut shames a 14 year old

Rush Limbaugh:  Luntz warns Dems of Kavanaugh backlash, Dems will try to destroy every SCOTUS nomineeThe World Waits: Will She Testify, Ford's Friend: Everyone got molested, but not by KavanaughAnita Hill got rich and famous after testifyingFormer Kavanaugh Colleague Calls ShowReasonable Suspicion and Repressed MemoriesThe Kavanaugh Accusation Is A Set UpWill Kavanaugh Accuser Even Show Up At The Hearing?Flashback to 1991: Rush on Charlie RoseRush's gut response to Susan Collins tweetDemocrat Strategist Lies in response to RushChristine Blasey Ford, without evidence, accuses Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rapeFemale caller worries legitimate rape victims won't be believed. 


  1. I hear Katz wants fairness. Grassley should tell her, "I'm having a vote on Monday unless and until you provide me a document outlining what happened, when, where, and who the FBI can interview to corroborate the allegation by Blasey Ford. I've asked Senator Feinstein for the letter Blasey Ford sent her, but the ranking member refused to share and be fair. So I'm asking you in all fairness that I not waste the committees time and taxpayer resources on literally hearsay allegations. Put them in writing and send to me."

    Alas, that should have been done from the beginning, so its too late. First Monday is coming up, so just have the vote and move on. If Kavanaugh is voted down, send up Amy Barrett.

    1. She either shows up Monday without conditions (other than asking for safety, which is a given) or they go for the vote right away.


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