Thursday, September 20, 2018

Pervs, Not Aliens, Are The Reason They Closed The New Mexico Observatory

Yeah, conspiracy theorists will say they used a fake "nerve gas leak" to evacuate around Devil's Tower in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, but then again there are lots of perverts out there.  I bet these ones were on the government dime (either directly on on grants).

Switching topics back to that movie, I concur that the character Roy Neary (Richard Dreyfuss) is a terrible father and a real jerk in Close Encounters.  Richard Dreyfuss has also been accused of being a pervert too in real life (but hey, welcome to Hollywood  #MeToo).  

Oh oh, talking about celebrity assholes, Kurt Eichenwald is going to get all excited over this...

TOM: In The Mailbox 09.20.18: American Thinker: Kavanaugh, Ellison, & The Presumption Of Innocence

1 comment:

  1. I'm a pretty militant anti-conspiracist, but I have found this unsettling from moment one. It is SAID (whatever worth) that the Feds descended from at least one Black Hawk helicopter, and the whole manner of things seems to be a bit much over a single janitor's Internet proclivities. And of course, one considers that the porn angle is "what they are telling us".

    I'm not gonna give thumbs up or down on the veracity of that explanation. I genuinely don't know, and neither do you. It will be interesting to see if charges are actually filed here, or if that helicopter full of heavily armed Feds just "didn't find enough evidence to proceed", or whatever.


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