Monday, September 17, 2018

Give Kavanaugh's Accuser A Chance To Speak To The Senate, But Move Forward

Hugh (and Kellyanne) are right about this:
What she is saying could be true (although I seriously doubt it). It may, however, be a case of mistaken identity. She could be just flat out lying to tear down an innocent man. We don't know yet, so it needs to be handled carefully. At the same time, don't reward the Democrats for their sleazy tactics in this matter. Any delay should be minimal (she should be able to testify this week).

EBL: Kavanaugh's Accuser Revealed: Christine Blasey Ford, Democrat Party Sleaze Merchants, Zina Bash attacked by on line lynch mob
AoSHQ/J.J. Sefton: The Anita Hill To Die On and The Whole Smear

RedState/Streiff: What Does Christine Ford Stand To Gain? (a lot)

Katie Pavlich:  Lawyer for Kavanaugh's accuser says she is not saying he is not qualified for SCOTUS

Legal Insurrection: Bring On More Hearings? Kavanaugh completely rejects the claims being made, Kavanaugh Accuser Comes Forward (LI quote above)

Hot Air: Senator Collins: My, the Democrats have acted in bad faith over this... and Flake, Corker, Murkowski want to hold off vote to let her testify (Kavanaugh too)

Powerline: Richard Epstein Nails It, Additional Hearings Are Inevitable, Kavanaugh's mother ruled against accusers parents, Jeff Flake, Traitor, Grassley and Graham on Kavanaugh

Instapundit: Stacy McCainDemocrats and the Rape of JusticeNew LowRoger SimonChritine Blasey Ford's Collateral DamageIs Dianne Feinstein The Most Corrupt Senator in the U.S. Senate?

TOM: What does 'credible' mean?Can the GOP win this Kavanaugh Fight? (yes, hold the line),Judge Kavanaugh Doubles DownTrauma Queen: What do we know about Christin Blasey Ford?Memories Light The Corners of My Mind and Democrats pulls their sleaziest smear in their long history of sleazy smears

Rush Limbaugh: Former Kavanaugh Colleague Calls ShowReasonable Suspicion and Repressed MemoriesThe Kavanaugh Accusation Is A Set UpWill Kavanaugh Accuser Even Show Up At The Hearing?Flashback to 1991: Rush on Charlie RoseRush's gut response to Susan Collins tweetDemocrat Strategist Lies in response to RushChristine Blasey Ford, without evidence, accuses Brett Kavanaugh of attempted rapeFemale caller worries legitimate rape victims won't be believed. 


  1. Sorry, she had her shot.

    Turns out she may have an axe to grind against the family. Also, DiFi's been sitting on the letter for a year.

    This is just another last minute smear by the Demos and I think they need to see it goes nowhere.

    She has a case? Let her take it to court.

    1. I am very skeptical too, but you have GOPe Senators (Flake) who are going to give her more time. There is no ramming this through like you propose. It is also intended to hurt the mid terms. So give her a brief window to testify and let Kavanaugh respond. Then vote. Sunlight Is The Best Disinfectant.

  2. students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.”
    really???? this could be any one of about 5000 men in D.C.

    and if di fi with held important information from a congressional committee, she should be charged with obstruction of congress.


I welcome all legitimate comments. Keep it civil. Spam will be deleted. Thanks.