Monday, September 17, 2018

Constitution Day

Remember that under Article III of the Constitution, the Supreme Court was always intended to be the weakest branch of government. The Founding Fathers would have been appalled it superseding the powers of Congress (where laws were intended to be made).  

Or as the late Justice Scalia said: "The court makes an amazing amount of decisions that ought to be made by the people." and "I would not like to be replaced by someone who immediately sets about undoing what I've tried to do for 25-26 years."


  1. The cynic in me asks "Why celebrate it when no one follows it?".

    1. Many of us still follow it and fight to protect it.

    2. I gave my cynic his meds. He'll be fine in about an hour or so.

    3. I usually go for a peaty single malt for...medicinal purposes!


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