Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A Tale of Two Cops: What do Police Officers Amber Guyger and Mohamed Noor have in common?

The media is all focused right now on the shooting by Officer Amber Guyger.  Granted the Guyger shooting is far more recent, but the national media (for the most part) seemed to ignore the Officer Mohamed Noor shooting. Why is that?

I agree with Glenn Reynolds that the Amber Guyger shooting stinks to high heavens (and I am sure there are significant facts still to be revealed). That story deserves attention. But the Officer Noor shooting, although slightly different circumstances, is as bad. Neither shooting, based on what has been disclosed, can be justified.

We will see how these trials go. Guyger has only been charged with manslaughter so far, but that may change as the investigation continues. Noor has been charged with murder.

Update: The jury convicted Amber Guyger. She got convicted of murder (I assume it is second degree but the news stories are not really clear on that) and manslaughter (which certainly seems justified). I am sure there will be an appeal (just like Noor did).

Law of Self Defense: Guyger Gets 10 Years

Hot Air: The Botham Jean killing: Manslaughter or Murder?

Powerline: The Prosecutor Speaks and Oddities of the Noor Shooting

TOM: Late Night With The Mailbox 09.11.18: Hogewash: The Party Of Kaepernick Vs. The Party Of King

Instapundit: Guyger Shootin Stinks To High Heavens, Jack Dunphy: Why I Can't Defend Officer Noor, and Minneapolis officer charged with murder

EBL: Officer Mohamed Noor Charged, What is happening in the Justine Damond investigation?, Will Officer Noor be charged?Was the acquittal of Officer Yanez in the Philando Castile shooting a miscarriage of justice?

Update:  Amber Guyger got a ten year sentance, but it was the amazing grace of the victim's brother that made me choke up.  


  1. Will you be doing an update to this article after the verdict is in for Guyger. It seems Noor has gotten convicted and the defense didn't put of a good fight as Guyger's defense is doing. Also where was BlueLivesMatter, AllLivesMatter, and the Police Unions to support Noor as a fellow officer who has one of the most dangerous and toughest jobs in America. I see all three of these groups are voicing their concerns for Guyger though. And what about Derrick Stafford and Norris Greenhouse. They also got hung out to dry.

  2. Right. Written with a lot of bias.

    1. Why do you say so? I admit I am not a fan of cops like Mohamed Noor, Amber Guyger, and Philip Mitchell Brailsford (he was the cop who was acquitted shooting the guy crawling down the hotel hallway)--but I also support cops involved in shootings who are falsely accused--such as Darren Wilson or this recent event in Minnesota. It depends on the evidence and facts.

  3. Why does a black cop killing a white woman who startled him and his partner get 12 years and a white cop killing a black man in his own home get 10 with the possibility of parole in 5 years? Both crimes were wrong, but our judicial system is unfair and keeps failing. If all lives matter, these sentences certainly don't prove that. Black and brown people are not treated fairly in this country and it disgusts me. Noor showed true remorse. He was answering a call of a possible predator in the neighborhood and was startled when he shot her. He did not handle it professionally, but he thought she was the predator. I think its much worse and a much bigger crime to get shot in your own home while eating ice cream!

    1. Well to start they are different states. Juries and judges are going to vary too.

      Was race of Noor a factor in getting 12 years? I have no idea--while certainly possible, it is hard to tell. It is just as likely Guyger got off easier cause she is a woman. Also having the brother of the victim Botham Jean ask for lenency helped too. That was very emotional to probably all observing.

      Noor should never have shot in that circumstance, which is why he got convicted. Guyger should have never shot in that circumstance, which is why she got convicted. Both are facing sentances that vary just 20%.


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