Unless you criticized Obama when he sold out the Kurds and our Iraqi allies, I do not want to hear your duplicious lying prattle (and that goes double for you Colin Powell who was very silent when Obama did that very thing). I support the Kurds. I am also hesitant to commit the USA to stay permanently in Syria to protect them from the Turks.
I have concerns about this decision too. I do not want to abandon Kurds in Syria. I want to help them and put pressure on the Turks not to attack them. I also know that I don't want our troops to have to be in harms way to do it. Is that so wrong? Update: Flight Er Doc at Instapundit has an interesting comment on the Kurds.
I also know we do have some influence over Turkey. Not a lot, but ErdoΔan is not as strong as he was. Turkey is a member of NATO. Turkey's economy depends on both the US and the EU to stay afloat.
Instapundit: Betrayal of the Kurds: A Play in 73 Acts, Obama screwed up Syria, Spengler:No good options with Turkey and Iran, Two takes on Syria that disagree with conventional wisdom, Give Kurds nukes?, When Turkey destroyed its Christians, and Arab forces ahead of US pull out
EBL: President Trump, don't abandon our Kurdish allies, Mattis Resigns, Kurds dies at the hands of Jihadis, Kerry and Obama do nothing, Iraqi Yazidis dies on a mountain top, South Park: Band In China, and Obama dithers in Iraq as the Kurds die
Hot Air: Pat Robertson: Trump risks losing the mandate of Heaven if he lets Turks masacre Kurds and Christians in Syria and Lindsey Graham: Congress will sanction Turkey if Kurds attacked
Don Surber: Critics not Syria-ous, Trump reinvented war, and Colin Powell upset that Trump is carrying out the Powell Doctrine
AoSHQ: Morning Report 10.11.19 and John Hayward tears the bark off fake "TrueConservatives"
Rush Limbaugh: The Titular Head of the Republican Party Returns To Trash Trump
PJ Media: Give Trump's Non-Interventionist Turkish-Kurdish plan a chance
Last Refuge: Trump is 100% right on withdrawing from Syria: Here's why
Chicks on the Right: Trump is getting some fierce criticism
The National Interest: Syria could be Turkey's Vietnam
American Elephants: Trump did not betray the Kurds
AoSHQ: Morning Report 10.08.19 Kurds and Turds
Guardian: Who's backing Turkey's army: NATO
Caroline Glick: Trump did not betray the Kurds
Powerline: Trump Abandons Kurdish Allies
TOM: Our 'Objective' Media
President Trump on GOP criticism over Syria move: "I have great respect for all the people that you name. They have their opinion, and a lot of people do."— HeadMoatDigger.357 (@ASimplePatriot) October 7, 2019
"We're not a police force.
President Trump: "I have to sign letters often to parents of young soldiers that were killed and it's the hardest thing I have to do in this job."— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) October 7, 2019
"I hate it. I hate it." pic.twitter.com/XNNWsPSioh
Realistically there's got to be be a middle ground between having nothing to do with the Middle East and being the world fixer. But finding that balance point is beyond bipartisan capabilities now.— wretchardthecat (@wretchardthecat) October 8, 2019
Are any human shields heading over there? You know, the ones who went to the comfort and aid of Saddam Hussein's Iraq.