Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Keith Ellison: Assaulting Women? It's Ok When Democrats Do It

Unlike Christine Blasey Ford, Karen Monahan had nothing to gain by accusing Keith Ellison. Monahan sure won't get any thanks or support for it from Democrats or Feminists in Minnesota. Karen Monahan's allegations against Keith Ellison are fresh and far more substantiated than Ford's. No matter, Democrats and Feminists don't care. Minnestoa's left leaning media is covering for Ellison.

Powerline: The Wall Street Journal Nails It and Keith Ellison: No sale yet in Minnesota

AoSHQ: Alleged crook and purveyor of underaged sex partners Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) speaks out

TOM: Late Night With The Mailbox 09.18.18: Proof Positive: Kill Brett, Part III and Mark Steyn: Docksider Dregs Of Seersucker Society

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EBL: Give Kavanaugh's accuser a chance to speak, but move forward, Kavanaugh's Accuser Revealed: Christine Blasey Ford, Democrat Party Sleaze Merchants, Zina Bash attacked by on line lynch mob, What did the DNC know about Keith Ellison and When Did They Know It?, When Did Keith Ellison Stop Beating His Girfriend?
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