Thursday, September 2, 2021

Post Hurricane Ida 🌀🌊⛈️ : Where's Biden's Recovery?


Reuters: Hurricane Ida Carves Path of Destruction

AP: After Ida, Small Recovery Signs

Heck of a job, Joe...

EBL: Does Joe Biden Really Know What Time It Is? ⌚️😬😠, Jimmy Buffett: Surfing in a Hurricane 🌀🌊🏄🏼‍♀️⛈️,  Hurricane Ida Makes Landfall 🌀🌊⛈️ and Hurricane Ida Headed Towards Louisiana and Mississippi 🌀🌊⛈️

Mark Steyn: Do You Know What It Means To Miss Being Way Down Yonder In New Orleans? and Going With The Flow

Fuel Shortages Hinder Recovery (Remember when the USA was oil independent)

RedState: Biden goes back on vacation...

AoSHQ: Morning Report 09.02.21

Evacuees Can't Return

Cow In Tree

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