Thursday, September 13, 2018

So Who Is The White House Op-Ed Writer?

AoSHQ: Cocaine Mitch's and Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao

I'm not buying it. I don't see the upside of the op-ed for Elaine or her husband. She also denies it.

Hot Air: Omarosa claims it is Mike Pence's Chief of Staff  Too obvious, and why?  That just hurts Pence and I do not see how that benefits Nick Ayers. More likely, he slighted Omarosa someway in the past. I also doubt it is Nikki Haley or Kellyanne Conway (both who deny it). There's no upside.

EBL: So Who Wrote the Resistance Op-Ed?  I am going with a lower level staffer. 

AoSHQ/J.J. Sefton: Nasty Evil

TOM: In The Mailbox 09.12.18: Proof Positive: The Least Serious President In The History Of The Republic And His Contribution To Our Booming Economy


  1. Replies
    1. I would say not enough misspells and grammatical errors, but the Times editors probably proofed read it!

  2. Maybe John Kerry. She always speaks with that tone of indifferent boredom the op-ed had, and her opinion of herself makes her a plausible option.


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