Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Andrew Sullivan can't help but lie and snark about Paul Ryan...

From Andrew Sullivan's live blogging of the new Pope today (screen shot immediately below for your protection):

The AoSHQ Classic Sully Nuts  Cartoon
Andrew Sullivan is a poorly housebroken beagle that pees on the carpet every time he gets excited.  Paul Ryan does not hate the poor (this is an on going intentional lie from the left to try to damage Ryan), Ryan wants to balance the federal budget in 10 years (and I remember Bill Clinton bragging about his balanced budget).  Is Paul Ryan promoting a balanced budget now so radical or hateful?  We have Barack Obama who insists he will not balance the federal budget and will continue to spend in excess, borrowing from the Chinese to do so.  

I know it is difficult for principled conservatives like David Frum and Andrew Sullivan to understand this basic economic concept but which policy (Barack Obama or Paul Ryan's) will in the long run cause more harm to the poor and the middle class and will expand the permanent dependent class and which one will in the long run make the country stronger, more economically vibrant, and will benefit the most individuals?   

1 comment:

  1. I love how Sarah Palin's face (on her book) comes scrolling through your blog post in that panel you installed. She gets one whiff of Sullivan and silently moves on--rolling from left to right of course--the opposite direction in which Sullivan moves.


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