Friday, August 18, 2023

Tucker and Don


EBL: MAGA Death By 1000 Cuts ☀️😬😡

I can't say I blame Donald Trump. Why give oxygen to his primary opponents?  Why spend time with Fat Christie or Race Bannon wannabe Pence? Trump is crushing them all right now. They will call DJT chicken, but they will inevitably attack DeSantis since he is next in line. I am curious though how Ramaswamy threads the needle of being his own guy yet not attacking Trump--since he is essentially running as Don's running mate. 

The only GOP candidates I care about at all right now are Trump, DeSantis, and Ramaswamy. Every GOP candidate should be denouncing the lawfare being waged against Trump right now. 

AoSHQ: Morning Report 08.18.23 and Trump is hobbled by Georgia bail

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