Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Grift Brothers Gabe and Sam Bankman-Fried Wanted to Create a Human Superspecies on Nauru 😬


Instapundit: Not The Bee: The wildest story you'll read this week

Update: Sam Bankman Fried bail withdrawn! Back in jail!

Sam Bankman Fried funding the development of a human superspecies? It is too bad we did not get to see this happen 😬

And they wanted Nauru to ride out the coming dystopian collapse?  I thought these progressives were worried about climate change and sea levels rising (Nauru is just barely above sea level).  Nauru was mined by Australia for phosphates/guano for years. It is like the Lorax's Onceler took over the island. It is just a limestone nub now.

EBL: Where is Sam Bankman Fried Holing Up? 

TOM : First Person Plural Pronouns

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