Sunday, August 13, 2023

Blame Hawaii Democrats For Maui Fires 🔥


Obviously dry conditions and high winds helped the fires go out of control on Maui--but we know there was inadquate warning (the sirens did not go off). Invasive grasses helped the fires grow. Lahina also should have had better fire control, given the older wood building there.  

Hawaii is under almost 100% Democrat control and that has been true for many decades.  Democrat leadership should be held accountable for this disaster.  

Joe Biden to Maui: Drop Dead



  1. This isn't politics, it's reality.
    Hawaii pulls up to 300 inches of rain every year since ever.
    There isn't much that'll burn on a tropical rainforest isle that's drenched, 24/7/nearly forever.
    Hence, damned few fire departments, and almost nothing for them to do (except medical calls).
    And unlike the West Coast, no water-dropping helos, ever.
    They set old pineapple fields on fire on purpose, regularly, because nothing ever happens except the dried pineapple leavings burn.

    Until they get a rare dry year, and stuff goes sideways.
    Plus Lahaina was the former capitol of the island, and an 1800s whaling town.
    You might as well blame blubber oil companies in the 1840s.

    Sh*t happens.
    That's all this is.
    And if (R)s had run it, it would have done the Exact. Same. Thing.
    Take that to the bank.

    1. Well you don't know much about Hawaii. There are windward and lee sides. Hawaii does not get 300 inches of rain a year (at least not in Lahina)--not even close. It is on the drier side of the island. They did have a wet spring and a lot of grass and brush grew around town. Summer (as is the norm) is relatively dry. Add some low humidity and a strong wind and it was a tinder pile waiting to go up. But here is the rub--Democrats have run that state for fifty plus years. There were warnings about fire danger. There were things that could have been done to prevent (or at least mitigate) a disaster like this. This disaster was predicted and foreseen and was a failure of local leadership.

    2. Average rainfall in Lahaina is less than 14 inches a year. That is a little less than Los Angeles.


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