Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Is the USA overextending itself militarily?

I don't disagree with some of what Zeihan is saying here. Most of the military aid to Ukraine has been old surplus. Still, we are running out of old surplus go give.  We are at the bottom of the cookie jar with cluster munitions.  

To be prepared for the future, we need to replace stockpiles with new artillery and new weapon systems (not for Ukraine, but for us). Artillery production needs to be shifted to next generation artillery for our own defense.  

A navel war in the Pacific, still requires having an operational navy. 40% of the submarine fleet being down is a bit disturbing. A weakened China is still a dangerous China.  

I am not mongering for some new war in Europe or Asia (I would also like to see the Ukraine-Russian war end). I know the way to avoid war is to be fully prepared for war (and the other sides knowing that).  The way to avoid a conflict say...over to be prepared for a war so the Chinese think twice about it.  

Instapundit: Are we spending enough on defense?  Yes, are we spending it wisely, no. 40% of subs not in commission, and China economic downturn


  1. I've been watching Zeihan for about 6 months now. He definitely has some blind spots that are ether due to lack of information, or more likely, pandering to his paying clientele. His big paychecks come from 3 letter agencies and he tailors his mesage(s) accordingly.

    His video "debunking" NATO expansion being perceived as a threat by the Russians is full of useful information, ad homien attacks, hand waving, and completely misses the point. He confirms NATO expanded, explains the process, and then hand waves that the Russians shouldn't care. The best analogy would be since Cuba asked for nukes in the 60s, the US shouldn't care that the Soviets put nukes in Cuba.

  2. Since 1945, there have been about 250 wars and military interventions. The US has initiated 80% of them, almost always against countries that were at peace with us and out allies. Our war in Somalia has gone on for over 30 years, and is the longest war in our history. Our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan killed over 500,000 civilians. Libya was and is an abomination. We actually instigated the Russo-Ukrainian war.

    If you want world peace, then the disarmament of the US is the mandatory first step. Our government cannot be trusted with a military. Eliminate the Marines, the strategic bomber fleet, and the aircraft carrier battle groups. And close all our overseas bases, all 900 of them, and bring all the troops home.


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