Thursday, January 5, 2023

Bad Potato 🥔😬


Affidavit released after Arrangement

The defendant suspect, Bryan Kohberger, is legally presumed innocent, but there appears to be some compelling evidence in the affidavit (given his appearance in Idaho to plead not guilty). I am sure, given the profile of this case and presumably the chance that capital punishment may apply, that he will get a decent criminal lawyer to respresent him. 

AoSHQ: Morning Report 01.05.23


  1. Wow, cops searched the trash from his parents home to obtain a dna sample, then used the familial dna, to get the warrant on him. Not his dna, just someone in his family. And they claim 99.9998% certainty? Like the not-vaxx was 100% effective and safe, too?
    I'm not saying the guy is innocent, but look at the sequence of events leading up to his arrest... your parents trash can be used to convict you now. The last couple years of "covid lab testing" pretty much makes me distrust any lab work. Cops are already on my 'never talk to' list, so... call me a tinfoil skeptic, but I'm skeptical.

    1. Or it's just addi and I'm invested


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