Sunday, August 22, 2021

Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes: Just Walk Away

1 comment:

  1. I played saxes in a rock band, back in the early 1990's. It was then that I discovered Southside Johnny and the Asbury Dukes. A friend from my day gig recorded some of their stuff for me and it was great.
    I had the ability and the intelligence to be anything, but I chose to work in a foundry, for over 35 years, to support my family.
    The greatest joy of my life, matched only by my wife and kids, and the interactions with them, has been my love of music, fostered by a few great teachers, who made me give my best, no matter the fact that others may have been behind me. I ended up getting voted an All American Musical, which I was proud of, as I worked hard to be good, as I wanted to continuously improve.
    After I met some professional sac players, who gave me some feedback on how to practice, and what to base my level of improvement on, I began to believe that I was a professional sac players as well, and could be a voice of help to other younger players, and how they could continue to improve their own playing.
    I went from playing in bars and clubs, to playing for crowds of 5,000-10,000 people. Not the huge stadium concerts that we were hoping for, but not bad for a bunch of 30 something people from a few small towns, who were just trying to see "see how far we could go".


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