Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Battle of Aqaba: July 6, 1917

And That's The Way It Was: Today in Middle East History
And really, there’s a very strong case to be made that British archeologist-turned-spy Gertrude Bell was more important to the success of the Arab Revolt than any of the British army officers who participated, including Lawrence. Bell eventually did get a major Hollywood film made about her, but unlike Lawrence’s movie, hers wasn’t any good. So Lawrence’s legacy as the man behind the Arab Revolt is part fair interpretation of history, but also part showbiz hype.

1 comment:

  1. Don't count on Larry being much like he is in the movie. I've never cared for David Lean and what he does to TE is one reason why. He likes his leads troubled and humanistic and the real Lawrence was a bit more like Robert Clive, sportive and utterly fearless.

    Gert was something of a gadfly, climbing Alps and the like. Larry was devoted to the Middle East from his time at Oxford.

    You also have to remember Gertie never led any charges or blew up any railroad cuts. That's always a factor in how you're remembered. Lawrence is remembered as the guy who got things moving.

    More to the point, Gert is remembered as the Woman Who Made Iraq. IOW one of the people who created the mess we still have today. Larry wanted a Middle East based on tribal lines which many believe would have worked better

    I agree about the Bell movie. It's an utter bore.


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