Friday, September 7, 2018

Elon Musk: The Man And His Dream

I like Elon Musk (even if I disagree with him on some issues) and do not want to tease him too badly. I am going to guess today was not one of his best. Musk obviously has some demons plaguing him right now and it is not exactly good times at Tesla.

EBL: Does Nike Abide?

EBL: Russia, Russia, Russia!

Don Surber: Elon Musk and Legal Pot

Friday Fiction Challenge: Smitty/Darleen

TOM: Who's up for a tall cold ICE #TeaParty?

Market Watch: Elon Musk High, But Tesla Low

Instapundit: How and why Silicon Valley gets high, Time For Tesla To Replace Musk, Tesla Suppliers Fret Over Getting Paid

1 comment:

  1. Apologies to Stephen Green but Musk doesn't run one either; take a look at the losses per unit. More like a vanity project, tax loss event. I worked for a company like that and they are rotten from the inside.


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