Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Is it time for Pope Francis to step down?

Is even a fraction of what is being alleged is true, the Church should be engaged in a full purge of this evil--but that starts with seriously acknowledging the problem (and responsibility for it). Unfortunately, that it will not probably happen on its own. Large institutions reflectively act to defend the institution without regard to the underlying morality of that defense, even if that underlying behavior actively  harms the institution that is purportedly being defended. The institution attacks those who want the change, not the perpetrators.  

If Pope Benedict was forced out as is suspected, this is about as bad as things could be. The Church is collapsing in the West. What do you think will fill the vacuum?

There is only one cure for evil. That is true repentance, accountability for those involved, justice for the victims, and trusting in the power of God.  

Pope silent on claim he ignored abuse...

Ex-Official: Ambassador Telling 'Truth'...

Cardinals defend selves over cover-up storm...

Diocese buys $2.3M home for retiring bishop...

Lem's Place: Trooper York: Does the Pope...

Don Surber: Pope Francis is going on his list...

The Camp of the Saints: The Tower of Flower Power

Da Tech Guy: Pope Francis’ “You Are The Man” Moment

Legal Insurrection: The schism over policy in the Catholic Church

The PanAm Post: Pope Francis Should Seriously Consider Resigning

Instapundit: The Catholic Abuse Scandal leads all the way to the Vatican

AoSHQ:  The Cardinals and Pope have managed to push this past parody...

Rush Limbaugh: Pope Francis calls emergency meeting on climate change, but not on rampant pedophilia in his Church

TOM: In The Mailbox 08.28.18: Louder With Crowder: Chicago’s Cardinal Cupich Excuses Abuse Scandal Because “Francis Has A [Liberal] Agenda” and Da Tech Guy: The MSM’s Pope Francis Dilemma


  1. Frank is the Church's biggest mistake since Cesare Borgia.

    1. I actually liked Cesare Borgia (I don't think he ever made it to Pope, but he was a bastard child of a Pope).

  2. Yes. Pope Benedict XVI was made to step down. I only ask for consistency of message from the church.


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