Friday, May 13, 2016

Barack Obama following porn stars on Twitter: But are there any transgender porn stars in the President's favorites mix?

Barack Obama following porn stars on Twitter, any transgenders porn stars in the mix?  And if not, why not, does President Obama have a problem following transgender porn actors?  I am guessing Obama is perfectly okay with it...even better than okay with it.

Barack Obama and Michelle Obama posing with a transgender actress Laverne Cox,
but where are the porn stars?

AoSHQ: A pen, a phone and a taped down penis

TOM: Rocky Horror Department of Education

Instapundit: Fundamentally Transformed and Transgender Newspeak

Transgender Teen Sad Boys Do Not Want To Date Her Because She Has A Penis: Barstool Sports, AoSHQ, Instapundit

It is about feeling pretty good about yourself...

Rule 5 and FMJRA

American Thinker: Does Obama's troubled childhood past explain his bathroom weirdness?


  1. That first picture could inspire a sitcom: Laverne and Surely This Idiot Cannot Be the President!


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