Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Chardon, Ohio shooter: This is truly evil...

I would caution the only way to get past this is forgiveness (and I say that knowing it is right, but also knowing if it was my family affected by this hate I would not be forgiving).  What this individual has in him is poison.  He wants to generate hate.  I am not against the death sentence, but whether you support it for this situation or not, it is not applicable here.  Given that, three life sentences is appropriate.  He will probably have a long time to think about this and he has created his own hell as a result.  Maybe one day it will dawn on him what he did.  May God have mercy on him.

And while the families will never forget, he will in time be mostly forgotten.  


  1. Instead of the opportunity to masturbate, the guards should look the other way should someone wish to initiate him into a prison sex life.

    1. He is heading to an Ohio state prison. It is almost certain he will not be considered someone of respect. What he did was so punkish and cowardly. I suspect he is in for a very bad time.

  2. Replies
    1. Deleting what? Would I ever delete you?

    2. My first comment disappeared. Maybe it's in your spam filter because it had a YouTube link. I saw it post, then it disappeared. It gives the context for my second comment

    3. It is probably Blogger. It happens to me too (at other sites). You should try it again. But as always, thanks for posting!

  3. "May God have Mercy on his soul.", that just proves that God is, as I have always thought, both larger and better than me.

    The only mercy he deserves is a quick and painless death and I'd like to think that I've got enough goodness in my soul to grant him that.

    I'd really like to think that but I know me far to well to really believe it.


    1. I would certainly go that way, especially if someone I knew was hurt or murdered by him. But I recognize the concept of personal forgiveness, not in a weak kneed failure of holding evil people accountable for their actions, but in a way of preventing the survivors from being further destroyed by the underlying hate and evil.

    2. As far as this case, there are only two options for punishment as far as I am concerned: 1) death penalty, 2) life in prison without any possibility of parole. I recognize the first one is no longer available, but it should be.


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