Sunday, September 23, 2018

Don't Stop Belevin'

Democrats believe and that is all that matters to them. Thing is there are a lot of women, who are sympathetic to allegations of #MeToo abuse, who also have sons, brothers, and husbands. They are not fools, they get things are not always what they seem. If just an accusation is enough to derail a conservative candidate, then no candidate is safe (and no public figure conservative man). The hypocrisy of the Democrats is also very apparent. The Democrats are overplaying this hand.  

With all the hype, I do want to hear what Professor Ford has to say. Then I want to hear from Judge Kavanaugh in rebuttal. And then the Senate needs to vote. Also, make sure you support conservative candidates and vote this November.  

1 comment:

  1. Don't think you'll ever see her in the Senate.

    Grassley has given her an out and I think she'll jump at it.


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