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Thursday, August 15, 2013

Mark Steyn: Go make some babies!

Blazing Cat Fur had this quote from Mark Steyn:
Speaking of German-speakers, in 2006 in my book America Alone, I wrote:
30 per cent of German women are now childless. Among German university graduates, it’s over 40 per cent… Almost every issue facing the European Union – from immigration rates to crippling state pension liabilities – has at its heart the same root cause: a huge lack of babies.
Mark Steyn wants Europe, Canada, and America to get busy!  
Go make some babies!  


  1. It's a little different here.

    Conservatives are having 3, 4, 5, even 6 kids to a family; the Lefties are touting the joys of The Childless Lifestyle.

    This is the real reason for Chuckie Schumer's AmnestyCare. The Left will need those 35 million slaves from Mexico to keep them competitive electorally, and who's going to take care of the Lefties when they're old, gray, infirm, and alone?

    1. I agree with that. Conservatives are having more kids and Democrats are opting not to be breeders. But I know plenty of people who are Republican or conservative who are not having more than 2 kids (and some none at all). We also still have to make up for the Democrat's lack of breeding!

    2. who's going to take care of the Lefties when they're old, gray, infirm, and alone?

      ObamaCare Death Panels! How do you think they are going to get Medicare to pencil out?

    3. Epistle alert!!

      Not certain, but I am 70 years old now and suspect I may have recently experienced a "trend" toward "death panels" if you are on Medicare, even with a great supplement. For treatments like physical therapy the fiscal orientation, and methodology, is distinctly different that it was when I needed it seriously in late 1980's and again in late 1990's (cervical spine and spinal cord injury).

      Previously, the PT's acknowledge some of the exercises would hurt, but less and less each time. Today, they direct you to not push in to painful zones. Fine, however, after a few sessions (between 9 & 12) they take some very subjective measurements and determine that you are not progressing sufficiently, therefore Medicare won't pay, maybe, or your supplemental won't pay, maybe, or in good conscience they can't continue....not once looking you in the eye while reciting all this blarney.

      Seriously, I got all three of those "reasons" for "discharge" within 15 minutes, next the PT and the facility administrator could NOT tell me how much it would cost me, via normal hospital billing procedures and/or CMS/Medicare procedures, if I elected to continue. Flat out, they were not going to continue treatment. "Go fish" was the attitude. You are old and on the dole, bitch, no point in fixing anything.

      After an appropriate kiss-my-ass I went back to the Sports Med-Orthopod and said I was gong to proceed on my own, using the methods I learned in the 80's and 90's, as well as in sports per se from 1955 onward through college...e.g.,no pain no gain. It is working so apparently I was an idiot for going to PT in the first place. I emailed the Orthopod's nurse that I was improving, and why, and advised I did not think I would need the cortisone shots proposed for September if I had not progressed. The Orthpod wants me to come in for "re-valuation" in a couple weeks. Fine by me, she's lovely and very athletically fit...e.g. she has a clue about recovery of muscle. [I had cancer, damnit, and the PT's have no clue.]

      IN summary, I got the very distinct impression the PT issue was all about the money from Medicare and nothing else. The mentioned Medicare's caps for numbers of sessions for PT multiple times, which I have never come close to, ever. Sooo...WTF with that, eh? They haven't the knowledge to even discuss patient payment.

  2. I'm right behind ya @'age 69, aridog with compression fractures from hi-speed ejection. My condition seems milder than yours, but SCARY, VERY scary..


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